Thursday, May 23, 2013

Best Study Place in Katipunan Avenue, Quezon City


There are many good places to study for any test,
you just have to look for three things
when finding a good study place: 
Comfort, appropriate noise levels, 
and information access.

Studying in your room passes most of the
qualifications of a good study place...
unless you happen to have roommates,
in which case, you may need to vacate.

coffee shop is perfect for studying...
unless ambient noise is a distraction for you, 
like it could be for auditory learners. 

Most coffee shops have WiFi,
you can access info with your laptop
but it's either a paid access to WiFi or
that the power plugs for your gadgets is limited,

Thus, it can be disappointing when you
go there thinking that you’d have quality time


One of the overlooked places to study is
Alchemy Business Center in Katipunan Ave.,
right across Ateneo de Manila University in Quezon City.

Visit Alchemy this MAY and claim your gift below.

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